Sunday, August 2, 2015

@PapaReu "Born 2 Win" | Video

@PapaReu in a white/red long sleeve shirt with a red Philly's hat and two chains.

There's always something refreshing about an artist who feels comfortable in his own skin. At a time when there is a blur between creativity and mediocrity, Houston, Texas based Rapper Papa Reu is redefining Hip Hop with authenticity. At times brilliant and at others daring, Pap Reu is relentlessly engaging. He is the perfect cocktail of mystery, boldness and explosive talent. The Trinidad & Tobago-born rapper, singer, producer, songwriter sits at the helm of Reu Muzik Inc and Reuster House Productions.

Papa Reu has an international appeal and his music ascends above regional boundaries. His diverse style and unique look sets him apart from the competition. His style is a blend of reality rap and braggadocios lyricism. The energetic entertainer does everything in a major way. Papa Reu’s past hit songs include “Put It In The Air” featuring Rick Ross, “Big Shottas” featuring Bun B and Elephant Man, “Diamonds and Pearls” featuring Lil Keke, and “Hustler Music” featuring Scarface, just to name a few. He is currently making a huge impact with his new hit single "Born 2 Win".

The track is explosive! The song is a celebration of life and success. The single is resonating well with his target fan base and it is receiving a great deal of support and accolades from notable mixshows on major commercial stations around the country. To make it in today's competitive world, you must have a winning mindset. Winning is not just an attitude; it is a way of life. And Papa Reu appears to be winning in every sense of the word. He has developed a strong following with his explosive lyrics and dynamic music videos. Check out "Born To Win."

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